Hey there everyone, this is Dizor, the site editor. Thank you all for being so patient as I get pictures put up and set up all the other doo-daads that are on the site. I just wanted to say if you're having any problems with your cart emptying while you're browsing, I do apologize. I think it has something to do that whenever I update the site it may clear out your cart, so bear with us this next week as we try getting it streamlined.
On top of that I'm going to see about allowing people to sign up on the site so you can save your preferences and payment methods for easy future purchases, something I wasn't comfortable setting up from the get go, as well as a possible search function so you can browse the PDF catalogs and just type in the SKU or a word from the product for easy finding.
If you come across any further technical issues with the site itself please shoot me a message at [email protected] and I'll look into it or respond back to you ASAP.
Thanks and happy holidays!
-Dizor, site editor
On top of that I'm going to see about allowing people to sign up on the site so you can save your preferences and payment methods for easy future purchases, something I wasn't comfortable setting up from the get go, as well as a possible search function so you can browse the PDF catalogs and just type in the SKU or a word from the product for easy finding.
If you come across any further technical issues with the site itself please shoot me a message at [email protected] and I'll look into it or respond back to you ASAP.
Thanks and happy holidays!
-Dizor, site editor