- New Star 1
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- An'To
An'to Info
An'To/ race ships : File AT901722
They are a advance race that use the Horrid . The An'To did not create the Horrid but they will entice , trick the Horrid towards planets or systems that interest them . once the Horrid have destroyed or taken over , they will come in and exterminate the Horrid population. they do not control the Horrid , just point them in many ways. though they can Kill a population , but a Horrid fleet assault against the An'To is some thing they tend to avoid . they have double hull design, so if attacked by Horrid boarding party and a section of hull is breached , it automatically fills with a bio-toxic foam that seals the area and has a high chance of killing the horrid. The An'To carry advance beam weapons and missile weapons , both explosive and Bio . the double hulls were designed so as a hull section was damaged it can self seal, though it does not mean it is repaired. but it allows crew to be used else where until the hull can be repaired or replaced. they do not use fighters, but use drones. which are piloted from the ships .the drones carry beam weapons ,and small missiles . all missiles have bio tip warheads. The AN'To ships all carry sci-Labs on their ships. even the smaller ships do, though larger ships have very advance labs, for tech and bio research. Labs are design with a main entrance, and ringed by cells, that test subjects or prisoners are keep in until needed. the only official information on the An'To are faint scans at extreme range when a Horrid fleet is sighted. [Unofficially] Top secret files. The Deep scout "Winters Calling" which was assigned to track a small group of Horrid ships, was found adrift intact, no crew aboard, all shuttle and pods accounted for. Computers wiped, the only evidence found was a single photograph and a hidden drive tablet found in a lower crewmen's cabin that he had taken though a view port of 2 unknown ships, it is unknown if the missing crew was due to the Horrid or An'To. Both An'To and the Horrids files are class 1A top secret. Sector Agent 27 |



Master Ship






